Rent in St. Pete Dean & DeWitt

Professional Property Management

Rentals You'll Love

Leasing is the process of getting a qualified tenant into your rental property. We do some things differently than other companies providing property management in St. Petersburg, and today we’re sharing some tips that will help the process go smoothly and more effectively. The goal is placing a high-quality tenant in your home.

Property Management St. Petersburg: Technology

At Dean & DeWitt, we allow prospective tenants to contact us 24/7. People can go online and book appointments to see properties whenever it’s convenient for them. If someone goes online at 2:00 in the morning to schedule a showing, that appointment will go directly to a leasing agent’s calendar. We have dedicated leasing agents who don’t answer phones. They are busy showing properties and answering questions. They don’t have to worry about missing calls or returning messages. We handle calls and set appointments in our office, freeing up time for our leasing agents to focus on getting your property rented out to the best possible tenants.

Property Management St. Petersburg: Tenant Screening

Once we have someone who has applied, the leasing process is about tenant screening. There are a lot of things we look at. We check criminal backgrounds on a national level, we check credit, and we look at income and employment. Our process is to gather all the information we can possibly get to ensure we’re renting to a qualified tenant who can pay rent and adhere to the lease. There’s no guarantee that a tenant will work out. But when we screen properly, if something bad does happen, we know the tenant is far more likely to contact us and work out a solution rather than avoiding us and staying in the property until the sheriff shows up to kick them out. That’s what proper screening does.

Property Management St. Petersburg: Tenant Selection

In over a decade of management experience and thousands of leases signed, I’ve only had to go to court twice. That’s because when we lease to tenants, we’re dealing with responsible people who don’t want an eviction on their record; who don’t want to be sent to collections. They don’t want to be sued and they want to work out a solution with our management company.
If you have any questions about the St. Petersburg leasing process, or anything pertaining to St. Petersburg property management, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Dean & DeWitt Property Management.